
fibromyalgia treatment


Consult Experts on Cancer
Organize your Doctors
Select the Best Medical Option
Use Healthy Strategies
Consider Herbs and Acupuncture
Pain Control

acne medicine

consult cancer experts

While family physicians are professionally equipped to help you on cancer, it is still best to consult with an oncologist. Most family physicians would understandingly refer you to an oncologist. If your physician will balk on this, you have the wrong doctor.

Oncologists are doctors that specialized in cancer. It is recommended that you consult oncologists that are affiliated with cancer centers or who have trained at one.

organize your doctors

Having consulted an oncologist does not mean that we tell you to abandon your family doctor. Family doctors know you, your family and medical background. It is well that you get the most medical support as possible. Work with them as a team and encourage them to discuss your condition. Without your initiation, they might not talk with one another. Discuss with them your possible options and the manner by which the treatment shall be implemented. Understand that you are the team captain and you have to make sure that they work with one another to equip you with the information you need to make the correct decision.


select the best medical option

Before diving-in for a medical treatment, you have to be sure that you understand what treatments you will undertake, its success rate, possible side-effects and the things that you should do to prepare for it. Work with your doctors and follow their advice. Let them know what other things that you are doing such as taking alternative medicines and therapies. Alternative medicines may have an effect to standard treatments so you have to discuss this with your doctor.


use healthy options

Eat well and stay healthy. Get regular exercise, enjoy psychological support and manage stress. Healthier body responds better to conventional care and has better treatment outcome, and better quality of life and longer, healthier, disease free survival.


consider herbs and acupuncture

Studies have suggested that combining mainstream oncology with herbal medicine or Chinese medicine has helped cancer patients.

At the Chinese Academy of Medical Science in Beijing, researchers studied two groups of cancer patients. One group received standard radiation treatment and another group received radiation treatment plus Chinese herb formula. Among those who receive radiation treatment, survival rate after 5 years is at 37%, on the other hand, those that received radiation plus Chinese medicine has a survival rate of 53%. This is a significant difference that is worth considering. According to Efrem Korngold, O.M.D. L.Ac., Herbs that are used include astragalus, ginseng, Chinese angelica (dang gui), and rehmannia.

In Japan, Lentinan injections are increasingly being used to complement chemotherapy. Lentinan is found in Shiitake mushroom which is a famous Asian delicacy. Lentinan is known to stimulate the immune system against infections and cancer.

Acupuncture also proves to be helpful for some people. Acupuncture reduces chemotherarpy-related nausea and vomiting. At some degree, acupressure can also be applied to pressure points instead of acupuncture.


pain control

The thought of enduring terrible pain and suffering is most feared by cancer patients. But pain involved in cancer can now be considerably controlled by medicine. There are now many pain killers that are available. It is however tragic that a few doctors under medicate their cancer patients on the belief that they may develop addiction. On the other hand, pain control specialists say that the risk of addiction is minimal compared to the comfort it may bring. Many oncologists are now being criticized for their slow adaptation to the needs of their patients. A few would not still accept non-drug approach such as acupuncture, hypnosis, visualization and other alternative methods to relieve pain. Dr. Lerner noted that these is an unconscionable practice and a terrible shame to let another person suffer while there are ways to help them.

It is best to discuss with your doctor about the pain you are having, how frequent it is and if the drugs you take is still effective. You may as well discuss other possible alternative pain control methods that you consider and ask his opinion about them.



Cancer has great impact to those who are inflicted with it. It does not only wither the physical strength of the person. But it also imposes a deep emotional trauma. The doctors may provide the cure. But healing is personal struggle. Healing is process by which one becomes whole again.

Healing involves coming to terms with your life and working to live it to the fullest, even if cancer cut it short. There are tools available that may include complementary therapies, good nutrition, moderate exercise, social support, stress management, and a sense of connection to the natural world around you. The object of healing is to restore or improve the quality of life.

In cases where cure may be impossible, healing should still be pursued. Healing is good for the soul and peace of mind of the person with cancer. All religions in the world teach that in life there are pains and sufferings. We are given a choice how we shall deal with it. Either we succumb to defeat and bitterness, or we continue to grow in wisdom and gratitude to life. As I have said, it is given to you to decide.

cancer treatment cancer

disease category

alternative medicine vs. conventional medicine

Herbal Medicines

health articles

health and medicine

Ginko biloba is a popular herb used for its many health benefits including blood flow improvement, treatment for memory loss and dementia.

Ginseng is an herbal medicine used as health tonic for the entire body with health benefits for the brain, heart, reproduction and many others.