

What is endometriosis, cause, symptoms and in pregnancy

What is Endometriosis Endometriosis is a chronic women's disease that is commonly associated in menstrual pain (more).

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis endometriosis symptoms include pelvic and abdominal pain, bleeding and infertility. (more)

What are the Causes of Endometriosis Although some women are more likely to get endometriosis, including Asian women, real cause is still being studied. (more)

Endometriosis Complication in Pregnancy Endometriosis is a cause of infertility in women. Endometriosis does not pose life-threatening risk to women and their child.(more)

What foods are good for Endometriosis Foods that modulate and reduce estrogen level in the blood are recommendable. This include high fiber vegetables and fruits, soybeans, and others...(more)

what is endometriosis

Endometriosis has always been known to be the career women’s disease. Apparently it is more common among working women who does not have children than those housewives who have children. However as of late, this notion has seemingly faded and the real cause of endometriosis has remained a mystery.

Endometriosis is a chronic disorder that may be painful. Endometriosis is a noncancerous disorder in which pieces of endometrial tissue—normally occurring only in the lining of the uterus (endometrium)—grow outside the uterus.

There is no exact estimate on how many women have endometriosis because it can usually be diagnosed only by directly viewing the endometrial tissue (which requires a surgical procedure). Endometriosis probably affects about 10 to 15% of menstruating women aged 25 to 44. It can also affect teenagers.


Cause of Endometriosis

The real cause of endometriosis is still unknown, but there are few theories for its cause.

  • Endometriosis may be caused by the abnormal functioning of the immune system. It is more likely to occur in women who have their first baby after age 30, who have never had a baby, who are of Asian descent, or who have structural abnormalities of the uterus.
  • Another suspected cause of endometriosis is retrograde (or reflux) menstruation. In this case, small pieces of the uterine lining that are shed during menstruation may flow backward through the fallopian tubes toward the ovaries into the abdominal cavity, rather than flow through the vagina
  • Another cause of endometriosis is that the lining of the pelvic organs has primitive cells that are able to grow endometrial cells. This condition is called coelomic metaplasia.
  • In some cases, endometriosis may be caused by the accidental implantation of endometrial tissues during surgeries where endometrial cells leaked through the blood stream and carried to other parts of the body.
  • Genetic or heredity factors. Endometriosis sometimes runs in families

Endometriosis Signs and Symptoms

Endometriosis may not be readily diagnosed on its early onset since many women did not felt nor identify endometriosis signs and symptoms. Signs of endometriosis, such as severe pain may only be felt after several years of having the disease. For such women, sexual intercourse tends to be painful before or during menstruation

While one-third of women with endometriosis felt no symptoms, Those who have shown symptoms may include the following.

  • The most common symptom of endometriosis is pain in the pelvic and abdominal regions especially during menstruation. The pain usually varies during the menstrual cycle, with the most severe before the menstrual cycle and fading out towards the end.
  • Another symptom of endometriosis is heavy or irregular menstruation. Menstrual irregularities, such as heavy menstrual bleeding and spotting before menstrual periods, may occur.
  • Infertility or miscarriage may also be a sign of endometriosis. In cases of severe endometriosis, the egg''s passage from the ovary to the uterus may be blocked, causing infertility. Mild endometriosis may also cause infertility, but how it does so is less clear. Endometriosis affects as many as 25 to 50% of infertile women.
  • Another common sign and symptom of endometriosis is the feeling of pain during bowel movements. At times it is accompanied by rectal bleeding during menstruation or pain above the pubic bone while urinating.
  • In rare cases, endometriosis may be present in the brain that may cause headache or seizure. Endometriosis may also implant in the lungs that may cause coughing our blood.

endometriosis and Pregnancy

Complications in pregnancy of endometriosis

Endometriosis may pose a problem for some women who wants to be pregnant. It is not totally known how endometriosis affects the fertility of women but studies have shown that endometriosis affects the structural form of the ovary and/or the uterus where the movement of the egg may be blocked

Women with endometriosis are encouraged to be pregnant as soon as possible since the condition may deteriorate with age. Couples are usually encouraged to try to conceive naturally for six months before medical intervention may be implemented.

Endometriosis during Pregnancy.

In most cases, endometriosis goes into remission during pregnancy but would usually return after delivery. It is also noted that breast feeding helps to alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis.

On the other hand, for some pregnancy, symptoms of pain may still be present. The production of more estrogen and the stretching of endometriosis implant on the uterus wall may cause pain

While the relationship of endometriosis and pregnancy is distressing and unpleasant. Enodmetriosis by it self is not life-threatening during pregnancy.


endometriosis Treatment

Doctors agree that there is no single best approach to endometriosis treatment. There are a couple of treatment options that are available. The goal of endometriiosis treatment is to relieve the symptoms or to enhance fertility for pregnancy.

The Uterine Health Companion: A Holistic Guide to Lifelong Wellness is book for endometriosis.available in with good reviews. This is worth reading to empower you to make informed decisions for your endometriosis.

The following alternative approach found in the next pages does not guarantee a cure for endometriosis. To some it may work and to others may not. There are no concrete scientific bases that may support the suggested therapies. It is still best that you discuss your medical condition to a certified gynecologist..


endometriosis Diet and Nutrition.

Endometriosis diet

Endometriosis symptoms are aggravated by increase in estrogen levels. It is therefore believed that by controlling the estrogen level of women, symptoms may be relieved. There are a couple of foods that are known to be beneficial for women with endometriosis patients.

Good Foods for Endometriosis:

Generally, foods that promote good health are recommended for endometriosis patients. Foods that are rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals are recommended.

Adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet. Vegetables known to modulate estrogen levels include

  • turnips
  • mustard greens
  • cabbage
  • broccoli

Eat a diet rich in fibers. It is believed that foods rich in fibers help in good digestion and likewise decrease the estrogen level in the body. Foods that are rich in fibers include the following.

  • Eat whole grains except wheat and rye.
  • Fruits are excellent source of fibers.
  • Oatmeal,
  • soybeans, peas
  • brown rice are is also rich in fibers.

Eat soy foods and tofu. In a clinical study involving endometriosis patients, these foods were found to have reduced the level of the hormone estrogen in blood. These foods contain phytoestrogens that prevent the estrogen from reaching the endometrial cells.

Foods to Avoid to prevent endometriosis symptoms
  • If you have endometriosis, avoid all foods that may trigger allergy attacks.
  • Avoid foods that contains wheat and its by-products, this includes breads, cakes and pasta products
  • Avoid red meats - promotes negative prostaglandin
  • Avoid non-organic meats and milk, these may contain hormones.
  • Avoid refined sugars and honey - aids inflammation and pain.
  • Avoid alcohol, Alcohol consumes vitamin B stored in the liver and also aids inflammation.
  • avoid caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks. Caffeine increases abdominal cramps and increases estrogen levels
  • chocolate - as it contains caffeine and sugar
  • avoid fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats, these foods can stimulate bad prostaglandin
  • avoid foods with too much additives, preservatives and artificial flavors. These will increase unwanted chemicals in the body.


Supplements for Endometriosis

Multivitamins has been found in an English study to have helped alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. The following supplements are recommended for patients with endometriosis.

  • Vitamin C (1,000 mg three times per day) decreases inflammation. Lower dose if diarrhea develops.
  • Vitamin E (400 IU per day) helps balance hormones and the immune system.
  • Vitamin B complex (100 milligrams per day) to boost the immune system.
  • Iron supplementation may be necessary if bleeding is severe.
  • High doses of calcium (500 mg four times per day) and magnesium (500 mg two times per day) may help reduce prostaglandin levels. take it only during your period.
  • Fish oil (1,500 mg per day) has been shown to reduce the severity of endometriosis in animal studies, but no studies have been done on humans.
  • Essential fatty acids (1,000 - 1,500 mg twice a day), found in evening primrose oil, borage oil, or flaxseed oil, help reduce levels of prostaglandin, which cause cramps and inflammation.

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Next : Endometriosis Treatment, Diet, Exercise and Relaxation

endometriosis endometriosis treatment

endometriosis articles references:

  1. Merck Medical Dictionary, endometriosis.
  2. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  3. M. Castleman "Blended Medicine, The best choices in healing, endometriosis "
  4. endometriosis Mayoclinic's website.
  6. Nisolle M, Gillerot S, Casanas-Roux F, Squifflet J, Berliere M, Donnez J (1999). "Immunohistochemical study of the proliferation index,...
  7. Advances in Uterine Leiomyoma Research: The Progesterone Hypothesis
  8. Celik H, Sapmaz E (2003). "Use of a single preoperative dose of misoprostol is efficacious for patients who undergo abdominal myomectomy"

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