Take Vitamin C to see. Vitamin C is very important in maintaining the integrity of collagen in our eyes. Collagen is a protein found in the tubes of our eye that drains the fluid. It has shown that sufficient intake of vitamin C lowers the fluid pressure in the eye. It is recommended to take vitamin C to bowel tolerance limit, this is to progressively increase the vitamin C intake until the bowel becomes loose or there is abdominal pain.
Build up some chromium. Chromium helps the eye's muscles to focus closely into objects. When our bodies have low level of chromium, the body compensate by increasing the pressure in the eye. It is recommended that an intake of chromium 200 micrograms per day is sufficient.
Flavonoid rutin was reported to increase the effectiveness of conventional medication in people with glaucoma. The amount used-20 mg three times per day-was quite moderate. In that study, 17 of 26 eyes with glaucoma showed clear improvement. Modern research on the effects of rutin or other flavonoids in people with glaucoma is lacking.
Melatonin supplement taken 0.5 mg per day indicated a lowered intraocular pressure of healthy people, but there is no sufficient study on the effects of malatonin to people with glaucoma
Magnesium intake can dilate blood vessels. In a clinical study, participants were given 245 mg of magnesium per day to improve the blood flow in the eyes. Vision improvement was noted after four weeks. However, the results were not statistically conclusive to establish the use of magnesium in treating glaucoma.
Alpha lipoic acid (150 mg per day for one month) improves visual function in people with some types of glaucoma.