Practitioners of Chinese medicine believes that heart failures are results of chronic fatigue of qi. As the qi weakens, the heart pumps weaker and the blood is circulated less to the body and retaining more body fluids. In Chinese’s view, fluid is Moisture. Moisture is regulated by the Kidneys. To treat congestive heart failure using Chinese medicine, practitioners prescribe herbs such as ginseng root, astragalus root, salvia root, angelica root, cinnamon bark, and licorice root.
Acupressure is also used to treat people with congestive heart failure. To treat your self using accupressure, apply a steady, penetrating finger pressure to each of the following point for 3 minutes,
Pericardium 6, located in the middle of your inner wrist, 2.5 finger-widths above the wrist crease.
Heart 7, located on the pinkie side of the wrist-crease that closest to your palm.
Kidney 7, located on your inner leg, two thumb-widths above your anklebone
Stomach 36, located four finger-widths below your kneecap and one finger-width toward the outside of your shinbone.