Yohimbe Health Benefits

Yohimbe Health benefits, Side Effects

What is Yohimbe is an African tree whose bark is a popularly used for erectile dysfunction
Yohimbe Health Benefits Yohimbe has been traditionally used to improve sexual desire and functions.


Yohimbe Side effects and warnings. Yohimbe is considered unsafe at high dosage and prolonged use. May cause kidney failure, seizure, heart attack and other serious conditions.

What is Yohimbe

yohimbe treeScientific Name: Pausinystalia Yohimbe

Other Names: Johimbe, Yohimbe, Corynanthe yohimbe, yohimbébaum

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) is an evergreen tree native to South and Central Africa, commonly found in forests and jungles of Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and West Africa Yohimbe tree grows up to about 100 feet having some resemblance to an oak tree with erect stems and is heavily branched with ovate attenuated leaves about 10 cm in length.. Yohimbe bark which is the most sought after part of the tree is brownish grey in color heavily spotted with lichens, about 4 to 8 millimeter thick, fissured both longitudinal and horizontal.  Yohimbe produces bushy inflorescences with winged seeds.

The bark of the yohimbe tree contains the active compounds called yohimbine, an alkaloid with stimulant and aphrodisiac effects. Since ancient times, African natives used yohimbe bark for its psychoactive effects and medicinal health benefits.  In recent years, yohimbe gains popularity for its benefits in erectile dysfunction in men.

The pharmaceutical grade alkaloid yohimbine is an approved prescription drug in the United States for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbe Health Benefits

Yohimbe has been traditionally used in Africa for the treatment of fever, chest pain, coughs, leprosy, and as an aphrodisiac or to boost sexual desire. Recently, other claimed health benefits  include treatment for depression and anxiety, exhaustion, high blood pressure, diabetes, and in building muscular form. But yohimbe is mostly popular  to arose sexual excitement and an herb to treat erectile dysfunction.

Therapeutic Benefits of Yohimbe for Erectile Dysfunction

Yohimbe health benefit as an erectile dysfunction treatment has gained commercial popularity in recent years until the coming of Viagra. Yohimbe has been promoted to increase libido and promote erection in men. There are varied clinical results on its efficacy, while some studies suggests it efficacy, others do not.

Yohimbine an alkaloid of yohimbe has been found to relax and dilate the blood vessels in the penis, thereby increasing blood flow and erection. There are also some indication that it promotes blood flow to the part of the brains that controls sexual functions.

The British Journal of Clinical Practice. May to June of 1994 reported the therapeutic benefits of Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. According to the report Yohimbine appear to have a modest therapeutic benefit over placebo, particularly in erectile dysfunction caused by psychogenic or mental disturbance and other medications. [1]

Fat Loss Effects of Yohimbe

The Journal of Research in Sports Medicine. October 2006 reported that the Institute of Sports Medicine in Serbia and Montenegro conducted a study to determine the effects of yohimbine supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in professional soccer players. Twenty soccer players were randomly divided into two groups, one to take yohimbe tablets while the other will take placebo. After 21 days, the percentage of body fat significantly decreased in the yohimbine group after the supplementation protocol. No subject reported any side effects from yohimbine. The results of the current study indicate that supplementation with yohimbine combined with resistance training does not significantly alter the body mass, muscle mass, or performance indicators in professional soccer players. Moreover, yohimbine supplementation appears to be suitable as a fat loss strategy in elite athletes. [2]

Yohimbe Benefits for Anxiety Disorders

In a clinical study done in UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, it has been found that Yohimbe promotes the natural release of adrenalin which can help quell anxiety. Normally, adrenaline prompts physiological changes in the body in response to physical and mental stress by increasing heart rate and body metabolism.  Yohimbe has been found to outperformed propanolol, a medication used to hinder the physiological in anxiety disorders.[3]

Yohimbe Availability and Use

Where to buy Yohimbe medicine

Yohimbine, an alkaloid derived from yohimbe is a pharmaceutical drug available by prescription in most drug stores.

Yohimbe supplements can be bought from most health stores Yohimbe  may also be available online in amazon.com that provides a wide variety of choices such as GNC Standardized® Grape Seed Extract. It is however suggested that you select those manufactured by reputable suppliers.

To take yohimbe, follow all directions on the product package. If uncertain about any of the information, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Do not take yohimbe supplements with products containing large amount of caffeine as this may aggravate the risk of side effects.

When unwanted side effects occur and persist, seek medical attention.

Yohimbe Side Effects and Warnings

Yohimbine, an alkaloid of yohimbe is a prescription drug in United States and should only be taken under medical supervision.

Yohimbe taken by mouth is considered unsafe if taken at high doses and prolonged period.

Yohimbe has unfavorable side effects including increased heart rate, high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, excitement, upset stomach, sleeplessness and anxiety.

Overuse of yohimbe may cause severe side effects and is also associated in cases of kidney failure, seizure, paralysis, heart attack, and others.

Yohimbe may cause serious side effects to pregnant women, breast feeding and children.

Yohimbe may cause serious side effects to people with kidney problems, benign prostatic hyperplasia, liver problems, mental illness, diabetes, heart problems and hypertension.

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